COMP3055 Machine Learning CourseworkDeadline: 4pm Friday Dec 21, 2018Submit an electronic copy via MoodleThe coursework aims to make use of the machine learning techniques learned in this courseto diagnose breast cancer using Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) dataset.WDBC contains 569 instances of breast cancer data collected in by professors in theUniversity of Wisconsin. Each instance is either labeled as M (malignant) or B (benign). Inothers words, you are going to solve a binary classification problem. Features are computedby analyzing a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass, instead ofusing pixels as raw input. They describe characteristics of the cell nuclei present in the image(see the following for example images).In particular, the input include ten real-valued features for each cell nucleus (three in total):a) Radius (mean of distance from center to points on the perimeter)b) Texture (standard deviation of gray-scale values)c) Perimeterd) Areae) Smoothness (local variation in radius lengths)f) Compactness (perimeter2 / area -1.0)g) Concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour)h) Concave points (number of concave portions of the contour)i) Symmetryj) Fractal dimension (“coastline approximate”-1)In total, there are 30 features (feature dimension is 30) available for diagnosis. All featuresare recorded using four digits for precision.You will perform the following tasks using Matlab or other languages at your choice (e.g.Python):Task 1: You can find WDBC dataset file ( from moodle under courseworksection. The data file is arranged in the way that each line represents an instance of the data.Within each line, the attribute values are separated by comma (,) and there are total 32attributes. The first attribute is the patient’s ID. The second attribute is the class label (eitherM or B). The rest of the attributes are the input features. Do the following:1. Load the data from the file into data matrix for the subsequent tasks. In Matlab, youcan use function csvread to do so. Note that you need to read the second attributeseparately as class label and ignore the first attribute. Then you need to read the restof attributes as features.2. Split the data portions: a) select 169 samples as testing data and b) 400 samples fortraining.Task 2: Design and implement a breast cancer diagnosis system using decision tree withdimension reduction. Do the following1. Apply PCA to reduce the original input features into new feature vectors withdifferent dimensions, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.2. Use training data to do 10-fold cross validation to train and validate your decisiontrees with different input feature vectors (original input and reduced input calculatedin step 1). You can use default parameters for your decision trees according thelibrary you use.3. Using test data to compute f1 values for each model and Plot a figure showing resultvs feature dimension.Task 3: Design and implement a breast cancer diagnosis system using SVM. Do thefollowing:1. Use training data to do 10-fold cross validation to train and validate your models. Forthe input features, use the one that gives the best performance in task 2. You need touse linear, polynomial, and rbf kernels for your models. Note that each kernel hasdifferent parameters to set, for example, orders for polynomial model and sigma forrbf kernels. You can simply use the default parameters for each kernel.2. Use test data to compute the classification error, precision, recall and f1 for yourmodels with different kernels in step 1. In the rbf kernel case, draw an ROC curvewith different parameters at your choice.Task 4 (Optional): Find the best SVM model. You are required do a parameter search foreach kernels and use cross validation to find the best performer. You should also use softSVM with different penalty parameters. There are no rule-of-the-thumb on how you shouldsearch the best combination of parameters. Try your best to obtain the highest performance interms of precision and recall (f1).Task 5: Based on your experiences of performing task 2 and task 3 and findings therein, inyour own words, compare and contrast the performances (error rate, precision and recall, f1),computational complexity (time), level of overfitting of the two approaches. To look at thelevel of overfitting, you can compare the performance of a given model on the training datawith test data and see how different they are. State which one you think would be a betterapproach to this problem and explain why.What to submit: A report of no more than 6 pages including all the figures and tablessummarizing how above tasks are done, justification on your decisions involved, and theresults of your analysis. A zipped file with all your source code. Note that you shouldproperly organize your code with appropriate comments for easy of marking and running.Marking scheme: this coursework takes 30% of your total marks in this module. Themarking distribution is given in 100 scaling as follows:1) Completeness of task 1 (10 marks)2) Completeness of task 2 (30 marks)3) Completeness of task 3 (30 marks)4) Completeness of task 5 (10 marks)5) Report writing (15 marks) Coding with proper comments and organization (5 marks)If you complete task 4, you will get 5 bonus marks in addition to the above marks.
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